Urgent HiYo Update
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Fix Crashes Caused by Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Please Read!
Old HiYo versions are not compatible with Adobe’s new Flash Player 10.1.
If you did not update to the latest HiYo version and you have Flash Player 10.1 installed, you may experience crashes of your HiYo application and/or your Messenger application.
We have just released a new HiYo version that fixes the Flash Player 10.1 problem.
Now Presenting… HiYo in Languages!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Bonjour, Hola, Guten Tag, Hello!
Now you can go wild with HiYo in your very own language!
We’ve translated the HiYo application and our Winks, Audibles, Sounds, Text FX and amazing talking SuperWinks into 17 different languages so you can express yourself even better on Instant Messenger!
Always know when there’s something NEW!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Since we love HiYo content SO much we want to make sure you always know when there’s something new!
Every time we upload new content we’ll add a star to the content type icons on to the HiYo Toolbar, we’ll put the word ‘NEW’ next to all the categories listed in the menu that have new content AND we’ll add a ‘NEW’ icon to the thumbnail images of the, you guessed it, new content. We don’t want you to miss a thing!
We’re creating new stuff all the time so be sure to be on the lookout for all the new ‘NEW’ icons
HiYo SuperWinks II
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
If you thought SuperWinks were great, you’re gonna LOVE these!
Believe it or not, but HiYo’s SuperWinks are now even more amazing! We’ve taken these fun and interactive Winks to a whole new level. You can now customize your Winks in amazing new ways and send them to your friends on Messenger.
You can add your very own messages to colorful balloons, graffiti one on a wall, or scribble something on a dancing fat guy’s belly. Yes, we are still talking about Winks for your Messenger. We’ve even created greeting card SuperWinks – add your personal message and send it a friend.
My personal favorite is the new SuperWink that lets you compose your own music, save the track and send it to a friend. The brand new HiYo Fart Organ is sure to keep you and your friends entertained (and cracking up) for hours!
Happy Holidays from Your Friends at HiYo!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Jingle bells are ringing, the snow is falling and everything smells like cinnamon…
The Holidays are here!! We love the holiday season (especially all the yummy treats
and holiday parties), so we’ve created some brand new HiYo Emoticons and Winks
to help you (and us!) get into the holiday spirit.
We’ve even created an AMAZING animated Christmas Skin to decorate your
HiYo toolbar for the season!

We hope you have a wonderful and fun holiday season!
Labels: Christmas, Holidays, New Content, New Version
HiYo is Compatible with AOL Instant Messenger!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Great News!
HiYo is now compatible with AOL Instant Messenger!
Hey everybody,
We’ve got some great news…
HiYo’s Beta version is now compatible with AOL Instant Messenger!
Attention AIM users: You can finally use HiYo with your AOL Instant Messenger!!
Even if you don’t use AIM to chat online, tell your friends who do.
Be a good friend and send them a link to this page.
Told you it was great news!!!
Labels: AIM, AOL, AOL Instant Messenger, Beta, New Version
Goblins and witches and WINKS, oh my!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Hi everybody,
Halloween will be here soon and it just happens to be one of our favorite holidays here at HiYo! Who doesn’t love getting all dressed up and eating tons of free candy??
So, to help get you all into the spirit of Halloween, we’ve created brand-new
(spoooook-tacular) Halloween HiYo content. There’s even a new Halloween Skin for your HiYo Toolbar! You didn’t think we’d let your HiYo celebrate Halloween without a costume of its own, did you?
Happy Halloween from the HiYo Team!
Labels: Animations, Emoticons, Halloween, Holidays, New Content, New Version, Winks
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s… SUPERWINKS!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
We would like to introduce you to SuperWinks - the newest addition to the HiYo family of content.
SuperWinks are a new generation of winks that enhance the way you interact with your chat buddies while using HiYo. Just imagine your regular winks, now with super powers!
SuperWinks are INTERACTIVE. You can challenge your chat buddies to be the DJ and mix their own tracks, send a birthday cake that lets your buddies actually blow out the candles and there is even a SuperWink to challenge lady luck – you can send interactive fortune cookies your chat buddies will need to crack open! Of course that's not all, the list goes on and on…
You’ll love them, you’re friends will love them, even your grumpy next-door neighbor is going to love them.
But there’s no need to take our word for it, SuperWinks are better experienced for yourself.
Upgrade your HiYo to the latest version that includes SuperWinks. The SuperWinks icon will automatically be added to your HiYo Toolbar.
Labels: Amazing, Animations, New Content, New Version, SuperWinks, Winks
HiYo is Now Compatible with Messenger Plus!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Hi everyone!
Great News!!!
I would like to officially announce that HiYo
is now fully compatible with MSN Plus!
We know that there were some problems using the 2 Messenger add-ons together
in the past, but we’ve fixed all that. Now you can enjoy both HiYo and Messenger
Plus, problem free!
You might need to update your HiYo in order to be compatible with MSN Plus.
Just click the upgrade button and you’re on your way.

Labels: Launch, Messenger Plus, New Version, Release, Update
Remembering Michael Jackson, the King of Pop
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Hi everyone,
Two weeks ago, the world lost an icon. Michael Jackson was definitely one of the greatest of our time and he will truly be missed.
As our own little tribute to Michael, we have been playing his music around the office all week - Billie Jean, Thriller, Black or White, all the classics. Not surprisingly, this inspired our Animators to create something special.
So, to help honor the memory and celebrate the life of the King of Pop, we’ve created some HiYo content as a tribute to Michael Jackson.
You can find the content in our Emoticon, Winks and Text Effects menus under the name ‘Jackson’.

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